суббота, 16 февраля 2013 г.

Crysis 3

«Crysis 2 was playing quite a corridor - the move makes the sensational confession producer of the third part, - But tamoshnem city we have shown remarkable vertical combat. And in the new game will be a vertical position, but the back and open spaces of the first part. "Given that the space we were promised in Crysis 2 , it is not clear whether the producer believe. But today, to challenge his words, we do not get - we arrived at the Frankfurt office of Crytek, to see not with a single campaign Crysis 3 , but with its online component.

We recall the basic plot of the sequel: aliens attacked the Earth on all fronts, and the military organization in response Cell imprisoned alien enemies under huge nanokupolami (though huge, but nano, yes. In the best traditions of Russian modernization), which covered all the major cities of the world. In the most famous of them, in New York, we are back in the role is quite a living Prophet. After the events of the second game was several decades, and during that time nanokupol completely changed the climate and appearance of New York: in the middle of the city there appeared forests, swamps, woods. Crytek is now, in fact, combine the first game to the second, and hopes that the sediment will remain the best.

At the presentation, unfortunately, about the story almost did not say we were immediately seated at a computer with multiplayer. Showed two modes on a single card (with dilapidated museum in the middle of the swamp), and in the final promise modes 8 and 12 locations, with support for up to 16 players on PC and 12 on consoles. The first thing we tried matches Hunter: here a couple of players in the hunt for the Nanosuit all other gamers, which are common soldier outfit. In this case, the hunters to run fast, jump high and invisibility they always turned on, but the weapon has to rely only on the bow - a powerful, long-range, but it was slow before each shot should be a second or two nock. Each soldier was killed after his death becomes the hunter and goes to the other side. As soon as the soldiers on the map is left - the hunters win. If a 2-minute rounds at least one player has not dressed in the nanosuit, the team of soldiers. It all sounds good: like a game of hide and seek, only with shotguns and machine guns. In fact, play a fun, but unevenly. Map is quite large, and the hunters here can run a few minutes helplessly in search of victims - and although radar points toward enemies, he does not always show the enemy exactly. On the other hand, the surviving can dig in and sit in the corner, doing nothing - and the hunters would like fools, run them through the great level. Even the fights go very hectic: the soldiers have to shoot in almost invisible foe, and hunters - archery aim at melteshaschuyu victim. Contradictions, this mode, the speaker sometimes sags. But the original, do not argue.

The second type of game is easier: it's called Crash Site, and its essence is capture and hold points. You've got to grab the capsule, which occasionally accidentally fall into one of the pre-defined locations in the level. Each capsule is only a few tens of seconds - and then it explodes, and released a new location. Here, again, it depends on chance: if the capsule will fall under your nose, you will win, and the enemy will be hard to reach. Moreover, in the Crash Site on the level of alien weapon accidentally thrown out (we got the alien grenade) and even walking robots Pinger, in which everyone can get. We have to admit, the idea of ​​cool: equally interesting and manage such a robot and fight him. In this colossus has missiles, machine guns and even attack the body - so that the advantage it gives a very solid. And while the level emitted by accident. Crytek, the balance you have heard in the multiplayer? However, the game is interesting, and already it's good. And a serious eSports Crysis 3 is clearly not trying.

In multiplayer, of course, there is bleeding: you gain experience accrued in the round glasses and for obtaining various achivok. Achivki these are not created in advance: they are generated based on the achievements of your friends. A friend from next door made five Headshots per round - the game will ask you to do six, and then to see your achievement of humiliation and insult his friend. Get something like a lightweight version of the modern Autolog Need for Speed.

The most strange novelty multiplayer - modified Nanosuit. In armor and stealth modes here separate strips of energy, who are hired and spent independently. The developers promise that it will be more convenient. We did not notice much of a difference, so let's word for it.

Multiplayer Crysis, frankly, has always been average. He was playable, and quite interesting, but to the best online shooters could not reach in any way. And the third part, too, apparently, does not try to overcome the Modern Warfare and Battlefield: the local line is an addition to the usual single. It is nice, but the 400 + hours hardly tighten.

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